Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Proving Grounds- Now Available

Proving Grounds-True Cost of an AT Thru Hike is now available. During my second, successful Thru Hike of the Appalachian Trail, I pondered lots of deep questions. The title was chosen because all the way up the trail, I realized I was proving to myself I could still do this. I met others proving similar things, plus proving their gear worked, proving they could stand the rain. Proving they had the stuff to make it all the way to the great Mount Katahdin.

What does it cost to take five months off and hike this thing?
I soon realized, there were three aspects: financial, emotional and physical. As the first days evolved into a strong, unequivocal commitment, I ditched my stove and covered many thoughtful miles, alone. Of course, I made tons of friends and had the time of my life.
In this book, you'll find complete sewing directions for my prototype, signature tent. I've included a hiking Glossary in the back because sometimes we use words the uninitiated backpacker finds mystifying.
I've listed all my resupply points and detailed how to resupply without killing the bank or your back.

I hope you enjoy it. If you have Amazon Prime, you can read it free. The digital copy is only $3.99, or you can order the paperback. Just click on the link.

Please write  a review, especially if you've found it helpful or enjoyable. By writing a review, you help others discover good books.

Happy Trails.


  1. I just read this and loved it, just as I've loved your other backpacking books. Lots of new insights and stuff to learn. I also just ordered the newest edition of "My Journey" -- in paperback so I can leaf back and forth easily, and write in it! I'm snowbirding in a camper and left my well-used old one at home. I've wanted it! Your packing lists are still the best ones out there.

    1. Thanks Ellie. Could you please write that comment in a review on It would help alot.
      I'm loving Quartzsite, boon-docking in the desert is wonderful.

  2. Hey, Brawny, I'm just getting back to this! I reviewed "Proving Grounds" and "My Journey" on Amazon. Right now I'm reading "End of Days," which, besides being an entertaining novel, has DIY and survival tidbits I'm filing away in my brain. Love your books!

  3. Thanks. I appreciate your message.
