Friday, June 11, 2010

Update on Reality

This is the EDR where I eat in Zion. It's a pretty neat place, really. Especially neat since I now work on the Line.
The Employee Dining Room is open pretty much from 6 a.m to 9 p.m. Even when meals are not being served from the hot line (center of photo, at the window) an employee can come in, get coffee, soda, ice cream, fresh fruit, bread or cold cereal and milk. This is very handy because sometimes we sleep in or go hiking past the lunch period.
The wood chairs are sturdy, and the place is swamp cooled, a form of air conditioning that is Eco- friendly. Feels really good in there when it's especially hot outside.
I've been here in Zion a month now and know many of the employees. I'm really liking my new station on the Line. Last night I got a taste of being wheel man. It was fine and dandy, like playing house almost, until we got slammed with a ton of guests.
Then, I happily stepped back to being broiler bitch, and occasional gofer.
This seasonal working in a National Park is quite an experience.
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